07 Jul 2022

On the other hand, unfavorable mean the actual labor cost is higher than expected. The labor efficiency variance calculation presented previouslyshows that 18,900 in actual hours worked is lower than the 21,000budgeted hours. Clearly, this is https://www.business-accounting.net/ favorable since theactual hours worked was lower than the expected (budgeted)hours. The 21,000 standard hours are the hours allowed given actualproduction. For Jerry’s Ice Cream, the standard allows for 0.10labor hours per unit of production.

Employing diagrams to work out direct labor variances

This variance can usually be traced to departmental supervision. The labor standard may not reflect recent changes in the rates paid to employees. For example, the standard may not reflect the changes imposed by a new union contract. There are a number of possible causes of a labor rate variance, which are noted below.

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss different types of labor variances

The labor rate variance is similar to the materials price variance. The standard labor cost of any product is equal to the standard quantity of labor time allowed multiplied by the wage rate that should be paid for this time. Here again, it follows that the actual labor cost may differ from standard labor cost because of the wages paid for labor, the quantity of labor used, or both. Thus, two labor variances exist—a rate variance and an efficiency variance. The standard materials cost of any product is simply the standard quantity of materials that should be used multiplied by the standard price that should be paid for those materials. Actual costs may differ from standard costs for materials because the price paid for the materials and/or the quantity of materials used varied from the standard amounts management had set.


The actual amounts paid may include extra payments for shift differentials or overtime. For example, a rush order may require the payment of overtime in order to meet an aggressive delivery date. Kenneth W. Boyd, a former CPA, has over twenty-nine years of experience in accounting, education, and financial services. He is the owner of St. Louis Test Preparation (), where he provides online tutoring in accounting and finance to both graduate and undergraduate students. During May, the company used 12.5% more hours than the standard allowed.

Explaining Differences in Expected and Actual Operational Outcomes

This information can be used for planning purposes in the development of budgets for future periods, as well as a feedback loop back to those employees responsible for the direct labor component of a business. For example, the variance can be used to evaluate the performance of a company’s bargaining staff in setting hourly rates with the company union for the next contract period. To estimate how the combination of wages and hours affects total costs, compute the total direct labor variance. As with direct materials, the price and quantity variances add up to the total direct labor variance. As stated earlier, variance analysis is the controlphase of budgeting.

What are the causes of unfavorable labor rate variance?

Labor rate variance is the difference between the expected cost of labor and the actual cost of labor. This variance occurs because of differences in standard versus actual rates. Since both the rate and efficiency variances are unfavorable, we would add them together to get the TOTAL labor variance. If we had one favorable and one unfavorable variance, we would subtract the numbers. If we used the same hours at a higher rate of pay it is called a labor rate variance.

Variances in labor, like variances in materials are multifaceted. We might have the same number of hours at a different hourly rate, or more hours at the same rate, or some combination of these factors. Let’s first look at the standard cost variance analysis chart for labor variances.

The flexible budget is comparedto actual costs, and the difference is shown in the form of twovariances. It is defined as the differencebetween the actual number of direct labor hours worked and budgeteddirect labor hours that should have been worked based on thestandards. In this case, the actual rate per hour is $7.50, the standard rate per hour is $8.00, and the actual hour worked is 0.10 hours per box. This is a favorable outcome because the actual rate of pay was less than the standard rate of pay. As a result of this favorable outcome information, the company may consider continuing operations as they exist, or could change future budget projections to reflect higher profit margins, among other things.

With either of these formulas, the actual rate per hour refers to the actual rate of pay for workers to create one unit of product. The standard rate per hour is us accounting the expected rate of pay for workers to create one unit of product. The actual hours worked are the actual number of hours worked to create one unit of product.

  1. The favorable will increase profit for company, but we may lose some customers due to high selling price which cause by overestimating the labor standard rate.
  2. The unfavorable will hit our bottom line which reduces the profit or cause the surprise loss for company.
  3. As a result of this unfavorable outcome information, the company may consider using cheaper labor, changing the production process to be more efficient, or increasing prices to cover labor costs.
  4. To compute the direct labor price variance, subtract the actual hours of direct labor at standard rate ($43,200) from the actual cost of direct labor ($46,800) to get a $3,600 unfavorable variance.

The total of both variances equals the total direct labor variance. In this case, two elements are contributing to the unfavorable outcome. 1.50 per hour more for labor than expected and used 0.10 hours more than expected to make one box of candy. The same calculation is shown as follows using the outcomes of the direct labor rate and time variances. Connie’s Candy paid \(\$1.50\) per hour more for labor than expected and used \(0.10\) hours more than expected to make one box of candy. Connie’s Candy paid $1.50 per hour more for labor than expected and used 0.10 hours more than expected to make one box of candy.

Still unsure about material and labor variances, watch this Note Pirate video to help. As shown in Table 8.1, standard costs have pros and cons to consider when using them in the decision-making and evaluation processes. The proper use of variance analysis is a significant tool for an organization to reach its long-term goals. Often, management will manage “to the variances,” meaning they will make decisions that may not be advantageous to the company’s best interests over the long run, in order to meet the variance report threshold limits.

Labor efficiency variance arises when the actual hours worked vary from standard, resulting in a higher or lower standard time recorded for a given output. The company A manufacture shirt, the standard cost shows that one unit of production requires 2 hours of direct labor at $5 per hour. Note that both approaches—direct labor rate variance calculationand the alternative calculation—yield the same result. A favorable labor rate variance suggests cost efficient employment of direct labor by the organization.

There are two components to a labor variance, the direct labor rate variance and the direct labor time variance. Figure 8.4 shows the connection between the direct labor rate variance and direct labor time variance to total direct labor variance. When a company makes a product and compares the actual labor cost to the standard labor cost, the result is the total direct labor variance. The direct labor variance measures how efficiently the company uses labor as well as how effective it is at pricing labor. According to the total direct labor variance, direct labor costs were $1,200 lower than expected, a favorable variance. The labor variance is particularly suspect when the budget or standard upon which it is based has no resemblance to actual costs being incurred.

Mary’s new hire isn’t doing as well as expected, but what if the opposite had happened? What if adding Jake to the team has speeded up the production process and now it was only taking .4 hours to produce a pair of shoes? Mary hopes it will better as the team works together, but right now, she needs to reevaluate her labor budget and get the information to her boss.

Figure 10.7 contains some possible explanations for the laborrate variance (left panel) and labor efficiency variance (rightpanel). The following formula is used to calculate the labor rate variance. The labor variance can be used in any part of a business, as long as there is some compensation expense to be compared to a standard amount.

He has taught accounting at the college level for 17 years and runs the Accountinator website at , which gives practical accounting advice to entrepreneurs. After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy inDecember 2002, United cut close to $5,000,000,000in annual expenditures. As a result of these cost cuts, United wasable to emerge from bankruptcy in 2006.

In this case, the actual hours worked are 0.05 per box, the standard hours are 0.10 per box, and the standard rate per hour is $8.00. This is a favorable outcome because the actual hours worked were less than the standard hours expected. 8.00, and the actual hour worked is 0.10 hours per box. In this case, the actual rate per hour is \(\$7.50\), the standard rate per hour is \(\$8.00\), and the actual hour worked is \(0.10\) hours per box. In this case, the actual hours worked are 0.05 per box, the standard hours are 0.10 per box, and the standard rate per hour is ?

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